Diabetes Management

**All videos are done by Dr. Michael Greger M.D. to learn more about Dr. Greger please visit his website or his YouTube channel by click here.

Since there is no curative treatment for diabetes, the best course of action when prevention has failed or been ignored is to manage the condition and its symptoms as best as possible. When managing the treatment of diabetes, there is a lot of information to be considered as well as numerous steps to be taken. It can help patients who suffer from diabetes to develop something of a game plan in this respect, so as to ensure a relatively smooth transition into a new lifestyle while coping with diabetes. The keystones of this management plan are education, implementation, and adaptation.


Before one can begin managing the symptoms of diabetes, it is important for them to know what they are dealing with. The first point of inquiry revolves around the symptoms associated with the specific form of diabetes from which the patient suffers. Patients with type 1 diabetes, for instance, are prone to decreased insulin production, heightened blood sugar, high cholesterol and obesity. Patients with type 2 diabetes are prone to these same symptoms, plus their bodies are more resistant to what little insulin they produce. There is also a less common form of diabetes called gestational diabetes. Pregnant women can be affected by this, as can their children.

It is important to educate oneself in a number of aspects regarding diabetes such as causes, symptoms, treatment and specialists; however, equally important is where this education is gained. The internet is clearly a viable source of information, but it never hurts to supplement this information with knowledge gained through face-to-face interactions. When a person has already been diagnosed as a diabetic, seeking out a specialist to assist in treatment plans is vital. They can help with most information pertaining to medical science, but may lack the ability to educate patients in the general experience of living with the condition. Luckily, there are support groups full of people with a wide range of experiences when it comes to coping with diabetes. This can give patients a system of peers to identify with while learning how to adjust to the life changes that must be made when dealing with diabetic symptoms.


Once patients are fully educated in the symptoms to which they must adjust, as well as their causes, it is time to work out a plan of action and put it into effect. This plan should involve a nutritious diet, a healthy amount of exercise, and any medications and/or supplements needed to help regulate blood sugar and insulin levels. Since meals must be high in nutrition, and insulin must often be regulated to fit the specific meals consumed by the diabetic, it can be helpful to plan meals well in advance of preparing and eating them. For those who take long-lasted insulin shots twice a day, it can also be helpful to work out a schedule so that these shots are always taken at the same times. Finally, blood sugar must be monitored on a regular basis. Failure to adhere to an established treatment plan can lead to complications that will make future management even more difficult to handle.


Diabetes is not a stable condition. Symptoms may be subject to change, so patients must be prepared to make adjustments in their treatment plan. Adjustments in diabetes management may include alterations to diet, increases or decreases in exercise, changes in medication or forms of insulin, or even an entirely new treatment plan due to the onset of further complications such as heart disease or pancreatic cancer. Since diabetics are required to constantly monitor their health, it is important not to get too comfortable with any particular treatment plan. The management of diabetes is a lifelong burden, but it can go relatively smoothly as long as patients practice a measure of vigilance to ensure that symptoms do not go untreated and turn into more damaging complications that may require even more effort to manage.
