
**All videos are done by Dr. Michael Greger M.D. to learn more about Dr. Greger please visit his website or his YouTube channel by click here.

Blueberries have been renowned for their health benefits since long before they were studied in relation to diabetes. As rich sources of antioxidants and other nutrients, blueberries are a great source of nourishment, especially for diabetics who seek an alternative for candy and other sweets that they are unable to eat due to their condition. Blueberries have a sweet, yet almost bitter taste that makes for a combination of sweet and sour suitable to many recipes. So long as one finds recipes which limit the use of sugar, one can enjoy pies, turnovers, muffins, and other sweets while still enjoying the numerous beneficial impacts that blueberries can have toward a nutritious diet.

Lowering Blood Sugar

The rich fiber content as well as the high number of antioxidants present in blueberries makes them highly effective in the regulation of sugars in the body’s bloodstream. Glucose levels in the blood are managed when the body helps to break down glucose at a slower rate. Since glucose is absorbed into the body at a slower pace, insulin does not have to work as hard to break it down. The body’s sensitivity to insulin’s effects is also increased, as is overall insulin production. These effects are so noticeable that studies have shown blueberries to help regulate blood glucose levels even when dietary habits had not been altered to achieve a reduction of fat intake. In other words, a person might conceivably be able to eat fatty foods and still regulate their blood sugar and insulin levels through the use of blueberries.

Weight Management

Obesity is one of the leading risk factors in the onset of diabetes, so weight management is an important prevention tool. For those who have already begun exhibiting signs and symptoms of diabetes, weight management can at least help alleviate the effects of the disease. Blueberries are helpful in this endeavor, not only due to their nutritious value but due to their lack of negative values. The caloric content of blueberries is not very high at all, so they are a viable source of nutrition for those who do not wish to gain weight. So long as consumption is kept to a reasonable volume, they can even help diabetics to lose weight.

Part of the reason that weight management is important to the treatment of diabetes is that fat can play a leading role in the resistance of insulin. Fat cells are responsible for hormonal secretions that inhibit insulin’s effectiveness, causing glucose to metabolize at improper rates which leads to increases in blood sugar levels. Since blueberries help to reduce fat, the risk of blood sugar spikes in this manner is greatly reduced.


Blueberries are an extremely healthy alternative to sweets and other snacks, which offer a number of benefits regardless of whether or not diabetes has already taken hold. It has been shown to aid prevention of adult-onset diabetes even when no other changes to dietary habits have been made. This makes blueberries an extremely valuable tool in the health management of diabetics. Patients suffering from diabetes are strongly encouraged to examine how they might fit blueberries into their diet on a regular or even semi-regular basis.
